U četvrtak, 9. veljače završio je Program usavršavanja odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika za rad s visokomotiviranim i potencijalno darovitim učenicima u STEM području koji se održao u sklopu projekta BioMOZAIK Krš i more.
Ovo usavršavanje proveo je Centar izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Intenzivnom edukacijom koja je započela u studenom prošle godine, učitelji i stručni suradnici partnerskih škola su kroz multimedijsku nastavu, skupne i individualne konzultacije, vježbe i praktičan rad prošli sljedeće module: Uloga škole u pružanju potpore učenicima; Darovitost – osnovni pojmovi i modeli darovitosti; Identifikacija darovitih učenika; Načini i oblici rada s darovitim učenicima; Socioemocionalna potpora darovitim učenicima.
Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima:
On Thursday, February 9th, the Training Programme for educational staff to work with highly motivated and potentially gifted students in the STEM field, which took place as part of the BioMOZAIK Karst and Sea project, ended.
This training was held by the Center of Excellence of the Split-Dalmatia County. With the intensive education that started in November last year, teachers and other educators of partner schools went through the following modules: The role of the school in providing support to students; Giftedness – basic terms and models of giftedness; Identification of gifted students; Methods and forms of working with gifted students; Socio-emotional support for gifted students.
More informations about financial mechanisms and programs: