Online sastanci s norveškim partnerom/Online meetings with our Norwegian Partner

Otkako je projekt BioMOZAIK Krš i more započeo, održali smo nekoliko online sastanaka s predstavnicima našeg partnera International Development Norway (IDN). 

Na sastancima se razgovaralo o izradi dokumenta s primjerima dobre prakse u norveškom obrazovanju u područjima za koja su odgojno-obrazovni djelatnici iskazali interes. Dogovarala se organizacija studijskog putovanja u Norvešku i međunarodne online konferencije razmjene iskustava učitelja u područjima STEM, IKT, poduzetništvo i aktivno građanstvo.

Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima: 


Several online meetings with the representatives from our partner, International Development Norway (IDN), were held since the start of the project BioMOZAIK Karst and Sea. In these meetings, we discussed the preparation of a document listing examples of good practices in Norwegian education, in the areas that were of interest to our educational staff. We also discussed the organization of a study trip to Norway, as well as arranging an international online conference to facilitate interactions, brainstorming and exchange of experience between teaching staff, in the fields of STEM, ICT, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.


More information on financial mechanisms and programs:ženje-siromastva/ 

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