Tijekom ožujka i travnja kroz projekt BioMOZAIK Krš i more održao se prvi dio radionica programa Nastavnik za nastavnika koji provodi Centar izvrsnosti Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.
Radionice su se održale u svim partnerskim školama uživo i online, a obuvatile su usavršavanje u upotrebi digitalnih alata u nastavi: Aktivno učenje kroz aktivnosti “Lova na blago”, WebQuest Zunal – metoda istraživačkog učenja, Podcast u nastavi, Stvarajmo filmove poput profesionalaca uz Canvu, Digitalni suradnik u nastavi, Formative, Learningapps – aplikacija za učenje i suradnju, Sasvim drugačija nastava uz Edpuzzle i Canvu i mnogi drugi…
Više informacija o financijskim mehanizmima i programima:
During March and April, we initiated the educational workshops in the Teacher for Teacher program as planned in our project BioMOZAIK Karst and Sea, and in cooperation with The Center of Excellence of the Split-Dalmatia County .
The workshops were held in all partner schools both in live and online mode, and included training in the use of classroom digital tools: Active learning through “Treasure hunting” activities, WebQuest Zunal – research-based learning method, Podcast as an educational tool, Let’s create movies like professionals with Canva , Digital teaching assistant, Formative, Learningapps – an application for learning and networking, Completely different teaching with Edpuzzle and Canva and many others…
More informations about financial mechanisms and programs: